Welcome to our Demos - you can use this repository as is to begin deploying resources into AWS or Piranha using identical code. Change a couple of parameters, and you can deploy identical (or close) resources to Piranha instead of AWS.
To use our Compatibility demos, we begin with a range of snippets. Examples are included to create Piranha resources using the same tools (Ansible, Terraform and the AWS CLI) and commands that you would when using AWS.
Get Started
Install popular open source devops Software and Piranha CLI for completing demos
Compatibility Mode
Use Ansible, Terraform, AWS CLI, Github Actions and other popular open source tools with Piranha in Compatibility mode
Piranha CLI
Use the Piranha CLI Tool to manage your Piranha Resources
Web Interface
Use the Piranha Web Console to manage your Piranha resources
Complete Apps
Examples to deploy popular open source applications into Piranha that you can use straight away
Multi Cloud
Examples of how to implement single application and codebase across multiple cloud providers