Piranha Documentation

DNS - Create Domain


In this demo, we'll be creating a domain. This will internet users and applications searching for your domain can find information from our cloud. You'll then be able to create specific DNS records pointed to.


You'll need to add the following nameservers to your Domain in your Registrar. ns1.piranha.sh, ns2.piranha.sh, ns3.piranha.sh, ns4.piranha.sh


Web Console

Log in to the web console, in the Services menu, click on DNS. You'll see a New DNS Domain Submenu. Clicking this will take you to a form that will allow you to create your new Domain Entry.


You can see detailed expected output here Ansible Output

$ cd ansible/
$ ansible-playbook playbook.yml


You can see detailed expected output here Terraform Output

$ cd terraform
$ terraform plan
$ terraform apply


You can see detailed expected output here AWSCLI Output

$ cd awscli/
$ source ../../../providers/aws/setup.bash
$ ./dns-create-domain.bash